
Wednesday 20 May 2015

SPCs for Beginners and a touch of Rembrandt

Room service has definitely improved
since the days of Rembrandt himself
The SPC blog earlier this year, in "SPCS for beginners", drew the attention of readers that, on Tuesday 16 June, a seminar is being arranged on the subject of (yes, you've guessed it) SPCs for Beginners. Speaking in this event is Paul Brady (Abel & Imray), who has just contacted The SPC Blog to tell us that the event's organiser (Sarah Packham at Management Forum) has aske The SPC blog to tell its readers that -- in keeping what seems to be a most agreeable trend* towards more affordable registration fees -- Management Forum is offering a 15% discount for SPC blog readers.

For the mathematically minded, this is effectively the 15% early bird reduction, which has now been extended for SPC Blog readers beyond its original deadline date. It works out at (£508.30 + VAT rather than £598.00+VAT). £508.30 is just a couple of pounds short of three times the price this blogger paid for his first car ...

For the record, the seminar takes place at The Rembrandt Hotel, London (if you're staying there, do check out the attic ...). Paul Inman (Wragge Lawrence Graham LLP) is either in the chair or is actually the chair (everything is so politically correct these days), and the other speakers are Oliver Kingsbury (Elkington & Fife LLP), Andrew Rudge (Pfizer) and regular SPC Blog contributor Mike Snodin (Park Grove IP). For further details and registration, just click here.

* For another instance of this trend see the 25% registration fee reduction offered by CIPA for everyone, even non-blog-readers, for this year's Congress.

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