
Tuesday 14 April 2015

No, it's not the Oktoberfest, it's an SPC seminar ...

Here's another event which readers of The SPC Blog might wish to note. With the grand title 'Quo vadis, SPC?', this is billed as an update seminar in which Dr Christopher Brückner -- the author of the SPC commentary noted here -- will speak on the the CJEU's referrals 2011-2015 and how to understand the decisions and which practical consequences we may expect for the future. Participants will receive the new second edition of Christopher's book in addition to their course documentation.

The date of this seminar is 21 October 2015 and it takes place in the lovely city of Munich (don't worry if you are travelling: Munich's famous Oktoberfest takes place in September). More information is available from the event organisers here.  Readers of The SPC Blog are entitled to a 10% discount against the registration fee (€ 981 down from € 1,090).

To register and gain the benefit of your reduced fee (valid only for registrations until 18 September 2015), just forward this blogpost to Jean-Claude Ho here, or call him, quoting "The SPC Blog" (+49 6211 500-675).

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