
Thursday 26 March 2015

What has the CJEU said this time? A review of the latest SPC musings from Luxembourg

Following the Actavis v Boehringer (C-577/13) judgment from earlier this month (on which see the SPC Blog post here), AIPPI is putting on another Rapid Response event to discuss the implications of this decision for existing and future SPCs.  The event will also look at January’s Forsgren (C-631/13) judgment (discussed here), which has profound things to say on the way active ingredients can be protected by SPCs, particularly for complex biologic products.  

Michael Lubienski (UCB), who was closely involved in the Forsgren referral, will be joined by Edward Oates and Daniel Wise from the SPC group at Carpmaels & Ransford LLP to discuss these decisions.  

The event takes place this Monday, 30 March 2015 (5.30 pm for 6 pm start) at Carpmaels & Ransford (1 Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA), with drinks afterwards.  

Attendance is free for UK AIPPI members and new applicants for membership, and a mere £25 for non-members.  If you would like to attend the event, please register at

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