
Monday 30 June 2014

Xalatan in Italy: two recent case comments

The lengthy, complex and controversial litigation in Italy over Xalatan and Pfizer's attempts to preserve its market in Italy has been chronicled on this weblog (see earlier SPC Blog posts, listed here). It is also being written up in the legal literature. Here's news of two recent case notes.

  • "The Highest Italian Administrative Court has the Final Word on the Xalatan Case and Reinstates the Original Infringement Decision of the Italian Competition Authority", by Michele Giannino (Desogus Law Office) appears in the current issue of the Bio-Science Law Review (BSLR) which, incidentally, has a 20% reduction offer for new subscribers that finishes today.
  • "Pfizer's misuse of patent/SPC rights results in an abuse of dominant position", by Gian Paolo Di Santo (Studio Legale Pavia e Ansaldo) appears in the July 2014 issue of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP), Gian Paolo having acted in this case for Assogenerici and some of the original plaintiffs against Pfizer.

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