
Wednesday 7 May 2014

The trio of Article 3 CJEU decisions from December 2013: a new article

News comes from our good friend and occasional contributor Mike Snodin (Avidity IP) that an article of his has recently been published in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP).  The article reviews, analyses and comments upon the decisions in Cases C-443/12 (Actavis v Sanofi), C-484/12 (Georgetown University) and C-493/12 (Eli Lilly v HGS). While noting areas that have been clarified and speculating upon strategies that may now represent "best practice" in the light of the decisions, the article also points out the many areas of uncertainty that still remain -- or that have been generated by the decisions.

This useful six-pager can be accessed by clicking this link.

JIPLP has proved to be a rich source of articles and current intelligence notes on SPCs since it was launched at the end of 2005. Could it be anything to do with the fact that this blogger is its editor?  At any rate, you can get an idea of the range items addressing SPCs by clicking here.  Mike has previously published in JIPLP, as have many other readers of or contributors to this weblog.

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