
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Three SPC seminars coming up -- with discounts for SPC Blog readers

From our old friend Rechtsassessor Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho (IP conference manager at FORUM Institut für Management GmbH) comes news of three SPC-related seminars which he is organising. They are as follows:
1. 'Eli Lilly, Actavis, Georgetown II: Quo vadis, SPC?', the update seminar in which Dr Christopher Brückner, the author of the SPC commentary noted here (participants will receive the new second edition on top of course documentation), will speak on the CJEU's "Super Thursday" and on how to understand the decisions and which practical consequences we may expect for the future. Date: 17 June 2014; venue: Amsterdam. More information is available here. SPC Blog readers are entitled to a 10% discount against the registration fee (€ 880 down from € 980). 2. 'Supplementary Protection Certificates', the fifth edition of FORUM's advanced SPC seminar in English. This is a one and a half day course conducted by Dr Brückner (participants will also receive the new second edition of the SPC commentary on top of course documentation). Date: 25 and 26 September 2014; venue: Amsterdam. More information is available here. SPC Blog readers are entitled to a 10% discount against the registration fee (€ 1,200 instead of € 1,340). 
3. 'SPC for Beginners', the third edition of FORUM'S basic SPC seminar in English, once again with Dr Christopher Brückner and his updated SPC commentary as an add-on. Date: 24 September 2014; Venue: Amsterdam. More information is available here. SPC Blog readers are entitled to a 10% discount against the registration fee (€ 880 down from € 980).
To register and gain the benefit of your reduced fee, just forward this blogpost to Jean-Claude himself at, or call him, quoting "The SPC Blog" (+49 6211 500-675) and specifying which event(s) you would like to attend.

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