
Monday 13 January 2014

Correction: Gilding the Lilly: a rapid response event

There's an interesting event coming up next Monday, 20 January [and NOT 13 January, which is of course today], in London. It's called "Rapid Response - Gilding the Lilly: Making Sense of the CJEU’s recent SPC decisions". According to Sara Ashby (Redd), who is the AIPPI UK's Hon Sec)
Registration is now open for this rapid response event which will review the CJEU’s recent decisions in Lilly, Actavis and Georgetown II, which have been eagerly awaited by the SPC community. Speakers from industry and private practice will discuss whether the CJEU has cleared up the confusion left by Medeva, and where the law might go next in this rapidly moving field. 
Carpmaels & Ransford has kindly agreed to host this event (One Southampton Row, London WC1B 5HA) and to provide drinks afterwards. 
Attendance is free for members and new applicants for membership, and £25 for non-members. CPD 1.5hrs.
If you would like to attend this event (open to members and non-members) please register at At the time of registering if someone else (eg: your secretary or P.A.) registers on your behalf, please make sure that they book in your name, so that the name of the person who is attending - and wants the CPDs – is the name which makes it onto the attendee list.
Shakespeare scholars will be itching to tell everyone that the expression "gild the lily" isn't quite what the Bard actually said: in King John he wrote "to gild refined gold, to paint the lily". but that's beside the point!

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