
Monday 28 January 2013

Isoxadifen reference: can you help?

One of our readers has written in to ask:
"Would it be possible to ask the SPC community for a copy of the decision of the German Federal Patent Court (BPatG; file number: 15 W (pat) 14/07 with regard to the corn safener Isoxadifen from Bayer) with regard to the recent referral to the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-11/13 Bayer CropScience? The referred question seems to ask whether a "safener" can be a product and an active ingredient according to Article 3(1) and Article 1 No. 8 and No. 3 of Regulation 1610/96. Unfortunately (although the court decided the referral as long ago as July 2012) the decision has not yet been published".
While this weblog is inevitably much more focused on pharma products than on the agrochemical sector, we do have some readers on that side too. Can they, or indeed anyone, help?

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