
Friday 30 November 2012

Australian patent term extension: here's a blog to watch

The SPC Blog has been closely watching developments in Australia, where a serious no-holds-barred review of pharmaceutical patent protection, taking in patent term extension is in full swing.

This blogger received this email this morning:
Recently, the Pharmaceutical Patents Review Panel released a Background and Suggested Issues Paper in regard to patent extension of term provisions. We are aware that your blog has contained posts relating to pharmaceutical patents in the past and thought you may be interested in the issues under review and the views posted on the Pharmaceutical Patents Review blog.

The Pharmaceutical Patents Review blog can be accessed at the below link:

Kind regards

Pharmaceutical Patents Review Secretariat IP Australia
At present the Pharmaceutical Patents Review blog has just two items posted on it, but it may be a good idea to watch it closely and see what sort of responses are posted -- and from whom.

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