
Monday 16 April 2012

Seminar news

The SPC Blog pays particular attention
to getting the right alchemy for its seminars...
The programme for The SPC Blog Seminar, which Olswang LLP has kindly agreed once again to host in its London office, is nearly ready to go. The official programme and invitation will be posted very soon.  In the meantime, you might like to see how it's shaping up.

The date arranged for this year's event is Tuesday 22 May and the programme will look something like this:
13.30 Registration
14:00 Chairman's introduction
14:10 Medeva - the fall-out
14:35 SPC protection in Italy
15:00 Break
15:20 Neurim - the hearing and AG's opinion
15:40 SPCs, the central European patent and court
15:55 Medeva around the world and -- though this remains in the realms of possibility rather than certainty -- the SPC quiz!
16:20 Questions
Drinks and refreshments will then follow.

Don't respond to this post: just wait a bit and RSVP to the formal invitation!

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