
Monday 23 April 2012

At last -- the invitation!

We promise it won't be anything like this ...!
It's not often that The SPC Blog can say, in all honesty, "this is what you've all been waiting for" -- but this is one of those occasions. The SPC Blog's 2012 seminar will take place on Tuesday 22 May, once again in the congenial surroundings of Olswang LLP's London office (thanks!). This is the fourth annual seminar and we look forward both to welcoming old-timers and to seeing some fresh faces.

Registration begins at 1.30pm and the seminar itself kicks off at 2.00pm.  Speakers are Dr Dolores Cassidy (Irish Patents Office), Dr Micaela Modiano (Modiano & Partners), Hugh Goodfellow (Carpmaels & Ransford) and Michael Burdon (Olswang LLP).

Lots of fun is promised, not to mention the traditional refreshments that conclude the seminar, for which admission is free.

You can access the invitation and full programme here. For further enquiries and to RSVP, please email Danielle Maidana-Power at

1 comment:

  1. The Neurim case is really important for the pharma industry.

    Japan operates the same system as Neurim and, in the US, Neurim would have got their patent extension too. I don't see why Europe should have a crazy system where irrelevant authorisations deny SPCs.

    Let's hope the ECJ sees sense.
