
Thursday 9 February 2012

Case comment now available online

Last Thursday The SPC Blog posted a notice concerning a case comment by Mike Snodin, John Miles and Michael Pears (all of Potter Clarkson’s SPC & Regulatory Group), published in Lawtext's Bio-Science Law Review (BSLR).  This case comment discusses the Medeva (C-322/10) and Georgetown et al. (C-422/10) decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as three further cases which were decided by reasoned order (Yeda, Daiichi and Queensland).

This blogger has since contacted the proprietor of Lawtext Publishing, who has kindly agreed to make the case comment freely available to readers of this weblog, even if they are not subscribers to the BSLR. You can now read it in full here.

Thanks, BSLR, for this very kind gesture.

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